Thursday, January 18, 2007

Zone diet is what we evolved on

The Zone Diet of Dr. Barry Sears makes the most sense of anything, when you examine both our history and the scientific evidence. I'm not a medical researcher, but I do understand that for most of human species we were hunter gatherers. We didn't grow wheat, rice, corn or any other grains we consider so important now. "Bread" is often used a synonym for life in The Bible, but that's relatively recent history, since it dates back only to the Agricultural Age.

Most of the time men went out and hunted wild animals, probably mostly small rodents, rabbits, squirells and so on. Maybe when we developed spear we could kill a few deer. And cave men did apparently kill off the wooly mammoths of Europe by herding them with fire into enclosed areas.

So we ate wild meat which is lean.

While the men were off doing that, the women stayed back home and collected leaves, fruit (in season),nuts and roots. Probably also collected some tasty bugs and bird eggs. Or maybe it was the little kids who were sent to climb up trees to check out bird nests.

So we got lean meat, vegetation-based carbohydrates and some fat (though not a lot compared to what we call meat now) from the wild game and the nuts.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is spot on. I would add a very healthy dose of fish oil (omega 3's) and you've got the closest recipe to a long and healthy life currently available

12:03 AM  

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